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10 Health Benefits of Vegetarianism for Women

A whopping sixty-eight percent of vegetarians are women, compared to only thirty-two percent who are men. While men also benefit greatly from a vegetarian diet-- actually more so than women do-- it's not surprising that women are more likely to practice vegetarianism, since we tend to be more concerned with weight loss, ethical considerations, and nutrition in general. As a woman who has been vegetarian, vegan, or pescetarian for six uninterrupted years, I am proud to say that I am one of the healthiest people I know. Almost all women, with very few exceptions, can benefit greatly from a vegetarian diet. Here are a few of the many health benefits of a vegetarian diet for women:
1. Slower Aging
A vegetarian diet is loaded with antioxidants because of its high content of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Antioxidants like vitamins E and C are important in preventing aging from the inside out. Your hair, skin, nails, bones, heart, and even blood will all experience less cellular aging from a high-antioxidant, vegetarian diet.
2. Decreased Rates of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a serious, ongoing problem for millions of American women, especially those who are post-menopausal. You can protect yourself from ever experiencing this dreadful disease by eating a vegetarian diet before you become at risk. Controlled, academic studies have consistently shown that vegetarian women are much less likely to experience osteoporosis.
3. Lower Cancer Rates
Studies by major universities and medical centers have unanimously concluded that a vegetarian diet is one of the most effective ways to prevent all forms of cancer, including breast cancer. It is not clearly known which cancers are prevented by "less meat", and which are prevented by "more vegetables"-- but the benefits are very clear.
4. A Healthier Weight
Vegetarian women have much lower rates of obesity than non-vegetarians, and they have a much easier time keeping their Body Mass Index within a healthy range. Given that obesity is one of the most common health problems the United States, this benefit alone is worth making the switch to vegetarianism.
5. Fewer Menstrual Disorders
One of the benefits of a lower Body Mass Index is better reproductive health. Women with lower Body Mass Indexes tend to experience lighter periods, more time between periods, and fewer hormone disruptions, and some nutritionists believe that a high-soy diet is also beneficial for menstrual health.
6. Lower Dementia Rates
Dementia conditions like Alzheimer's disease are much less common in vegetarians than non-vegetarians. You can protect your brain, both now and down the road, by adopting a diet with less meat. Better yet, consider taking a seaweed-based Omega-3 fat supplement to additionally enable your brain's health.
7. Healthier Kidneys
A diet that is extremely high in protein, like the typical American diet, is very far from healthy, and seriously taxes the kidneys. Vegetarian women and men alike are less likely to experience renal problems like kidney stones and kidney failure-- yet another very important benefit of a vegetarian diet.
8. Better Digestive Health
Women are much more likely than men to suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, so it is important that we do our bodies a favor by eating a high-fiber diet. Vegetarian diets contain much more fiber and colon-cleansing nutrients than meat-eating diets, leading to less constipation, fewer bowel infections, and much lower colon cancer rates.
9. Less Heart Disease
Vegetarians have lower rates of hypertension, high cholesterol, heart attack, and circulatory disorders than non-vegetarians. Since these conditions are some of the biggest killers in America, vegetarianism is an important way to avoid these very serious and life-threatening problems.
10. Lower Diabetes Rates
Finally, vegetarianism for both men and women can offer valuable protection against type 2 diabetes, another condition that has struck the U.S. in epidemic proportions. Many controlled studies have shown that excessive meat intake is associated with a higher risk for this serious condition: yet another reason to skip the meat and make the switch.

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